Dapat Tawaran Kerja? Ini 5 Contoh Email Terima/ Tolak/ Pertimbangan/ Rundingan Tawaran
Dapat tawaran pekerjaan? Tahniah! Nam terima, tolak atau pertimbangkan tawaran mengikut situasi ada caranya, yang penting sopan ya! Bagi yang tak tahu macam mana nak balas emeil tawaran pekerjaan sama ada terima, tolak atau rundingan, jangan risau kerana anda boleh rujuk perkongsian yang dikongsi ini khas untuk anda.
Walaupun anda ingin tolak tawaran kerja, pastikan anda balas emel dengan betul. Mana tahu anda perlu berurusan dengan syarikat tersebut lagi nanti! Nak tahu macam mana nak balas emel tawaran kerja?
Ikuti perkongsian di bawah untuk dapatkan contoh email terima/ tolak/ pertimbangan/ rundingan/ lewat lapor diri bagi tawaran kerja yang diterima.
Isi Kandungan
Berikut adalah contoh email bagi membalas tawaran pekerjaan mengikut situasi masing-masing:
Emel Terima Tawaran (Acceptance Email)
Dear Mrs, Rozita,
I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on [insert date] and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining [company name] and begin working with the team.
Additionally, I shall complete all employee requirements and examinations needed for new employees. Should there be any additional requirements and concern you wish to added, please feel free to contact me.
I look forward to seeing you again on the [insert date].
Your Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Emel Menolak Tawaran (Decline Offer Email)
Dear Mrs. Rozita,
Thank you for offering me a position as a [position title] with [company name]. I appreciate the efforts that everyone in your organisation has made on my behalf.
Unfortunately I must decline the [position title] at this time. I have accepted an offer that is better fit for me at this time.
Again, thank you for kindness and consideration. I wish you success in your requirement efforts.
Handwritten Signature
Emel Mempertimbang Tawaran (Considering Email)
Dear Mrs. Rozita,
Thank you for offering me a position as a [ position title] with [ company name]. I am honoured to be considered for this opportunity and feel I would be valuable to the company.
I am carefully considering the position’s details and would like to know more about the xx content of offers. I will provide a fine answer by Wednesday morning.
Your Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Emel Lewat Lapor Diri (Delay on Boarding Date Email)
Dear Mrs. Rozita,
I am very happy to have received an offer from your company an I thank the platform and interviewers for their recognition of me.
I have been told I am receiving an offer from another firm, which I should have by this date. No matter what happens with their timing, I will give you my decision by this date.
I hope this timing id agreeable to you, I am happy to discuss further if you have any questions or concerns.
Your Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Emel Rundingan (Negotiation Email)
Dear Mrs. Rozita,
I want to thank you for your job offer of (position) from [ company name]. The postion and areas of responsibility are an excellent for with both my skills set and my career goals.
Before providing you with a formal acceptance I would like to discuss the base salary you have offered. Are you available to discuss by phone call tomorrow?
Again, thank you for your offer and I look forward to your response. I am confident that we can reach a mutually satisfactory agreement that will allow me to starts with XYZ as soon as possible.
Your Sincerely,
Handwritten Signature
Semoga bermanfaat!